Showing 78 Result(s)

Darryl Cunningham

This is the 8th interview in the Conversations with Authors podcast series. You can hear the other conversations in the series here.  Darryl Cunningham is a cartoonist and author of Psychiatric Tales, a graphic interpretation of his experiences of working on an acute mental health unit, and Science Tales, a series of comic book essays on controversial science …

Nigel Morgan

This is the 7th interview in the Conversations with Authors podcast series. You can hear the other conversations in the series here. Nigel Morgan runs a successful PR business, Morgan PR. Because of his experience in this area he was commissioned to write The 30 Day PR Challenge, which was followed by The 30 Day LinkedIn Challenge.

Charlie Holles

This is the 6th interview in the Conversations with Authors podcast series. You can hear the other conversations in the series here. Charlie Holles is an energy healer specialising in horse healing. His first book My Healing Journey is part travelogue, part spiritual exploration and a fascinating insight into Charlie’s life. In our conversation he talks about why …

Stefan Thomas

This is the 5th interview in the Conversations with Authors podcast series. You can hear the other conversations in the series here. Stefan Thomas is the Network Director of 4Networking, one of the biggest business networking organisations in the UK. He is also the author of Business Networking for Dummies. Buy Stefan’s book from Amazon, and find out more …

Dave Marriott

This is the fourth interview in the Conversations with Authors podcast series. You can hear the other conversations in the series here. Dave Marriott’s first book “Where Shall We Walk Today? Walking the Pennine Way” came out in March 2014 and tells the story of the 267 mile walk he and his wife Diane did …

Ellen Watts

My guest today is author, trainer and keynote speaker Ellen Watts. Ellen published her first book   Cosmic Ordering Made Easier in August 2013 as a way of testing the waters of being an author, but the book has taken her in all sorts of new directions. In our conversation Ellen talks about what inspired her …

Madalyn Morgan

This is the second interview in the “Conversations with Authors” podcast series. You can find more interviews here. Madalyn Morgan grew up in Lutterworth in Leicestershire and had a long career as an actor before turning her creative hand to writing. Her books Foxden Acres and Applause are part of a series of books following the …

Peter Jones

This is the first interview in the “Conversations with Authors” podcast series. You can find more interviews here. My guest today on Conversations with Authors is Peter Jones … no not that bloke off Dragons Den but author of five books including “How to Do Everything and Be Happy”, and “How to Eat Loads and …