Showing 64 Result(s)

Time for a Change!

One of the wonderful things about having your own business is that you don’t have to keep treading the same path and doing the same things. Businesses grow organically and being your own boss means you can respond to change really quickly. And that’s what’s been happening with The Proof Fairy. When I first started …

I’m a mover and a shaker!

I’ve recently been promoted within 4Networking and am now the Area Leader responsible for all four groups in Oxfordshire. The Oxford Times decided to include me in their “Movers and Shakers” business section. Here’s the website article

So who is this Proof Fairy anyway?

The Proof Fairy is the alter ego of me, Alison Neale, and I have always been fascinated by the written word. As a child I spent hours locked away in my bedroom, book in hand. English was  my favourite subject at school and I often wrote stories and articles, some of which were published in …